Neti: Healing Secrets of Yoga and Ayurveda

David Frawley
CHF 25.90
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The neti pot is one of the most popular new methods of personal hygiene and health improvement available today. The neti pot is inexpensive, easy to use and helpful for everyone. Once you try it and experience its benefits, it will quickly become a regular part of your daily self-care routine. This simple tool for nasal irrigation, coming from the ancient tradition of Yoga and Ayurveda, is a great way to counter nasal congestion, sinus allergies, headaches and many other health problems that can otherwise be difficult to treat. 

By enabling you to breathe better, it can give you more energy that can literaly transform your life. Part 1 The neti pot and how to use it: - The neti pot and the practice of nasal irrigation - An introduction to Yoga - An introduction to Ayurveda - Prana and pranic healing - How to use the neti pot Part 2 Advanced application of the neti pot: - Neti and Yoga pratices - Neti and ayurvedic therapies - Neti and specific conditions
100 pages

100 pages, paperback
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